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Spring Flowers Sensory Bottle

With the recent snow at our house it is hard to believe that Spring is next month, but it will be here before we know it. I have already begun creating Spring sensory bottles because I just can’t wait!

On a trip to Michael’s last year I came across some beautiful flower glitter and I immediately knew what I wanted to do with it – make a Spring Flowers Sensory Bottle. And right there on the next shelf was a bottle of leaf glitter. Perfect!

On my first try, I thought the bottle would look too plain with just the flowers and leaves, so I also added a couple of other glitters to it. It didn’t really work out. This is one of those bottles where less is more. I tried again with only the flowers and leaves and it is so pretty!

This is one of my favorite sensory bottles for sure. Even with the snow outside, it can feel like Spring inside.

If you are interested in making a Spring Flowers Sensory Bottle, here is what I used:

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Thank you for checking out my Spring Flowers Sensory Bottle!

“My beloved responded and said to me,
‘Arise, my darling, my beautiful one,
And come along.
For behold, the winter is past,
The rain is over and gone.
The flowers have already appeared in the land;
The time has arrived for pruning the vines,
And the voice of the turtledove has been heard in our land.
The fig tree has ripened its figs,
And the vines in blossom have given forth their fragrance.
Arise, my darling, my beautiful one,
And come along!’ “

Song of Solomon 2:10-13

~ Sarah ~